Thursday, August 06, 2009

Daddy's New book

The Choice

Their uncle and aunt brought the kids out for dinner tonight and the parents tagged along! We had a meal at KFC and then walked around a bit and the kids had ice-cream. Then when we gave the kids a choice, as to where they want to go next, surprisingly, Kyle chose Popular Bookshop over Kiddy Palace! He went straight to his Ben 10 section to browse through Book 9 which was opened by some others ( I had already bought this book but he has yet to earn it from me). Meryl also settled down very quickly on the floor with one of the Princess book for a good 20 mins.

I left them to entertain themselves and browse through the adults non-fiction. I came across a book titled, 'A gift to my children: A father's lessons for life and investing' by Jim Rogers. I had happened to watch an interview given by him that very afternoon on Channelnews Asia while having my lunch at 4.30pm. He is a very successful investor, fund manager and had made enough to retire at the age of 37. He had since penned a few books on investment but this book was a collection of wisdom that he hoped to pass to his children. It struck me that the he uses a lot of his life experiences as examples to teach important values for the young. It was vaguely similar to my hubby's nightly 'Thinking Game' ( a term that Kyle coined for the time the dad spend with them before they sleep) with the Duo. Every night they will 'talk' about a topic and the hubby will ask them questions and they have to 'think' and then answer. The Duo loves this 'Game' and looked forward to it every night. They also compete with each other to see who can 'think' faster and come up with the 'answer' faster. More often that not, they have to explain their answer before the dad is satisfied with it. So as I thumbed through the content of this book, I thought that the topics Jim Rogers touched on would provide a more structured guide for teaching the kids 'Character Development'. The Content includes topics such as 'Swim your own races: Do not let others do your thinking for you', 'Focus on what you like', 'Learning to Think,'Good habits for life' etc.

I bought it as a gift for my hubby hoping that it would be his gift for the Duo.

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