Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Playdate @ Anchorvale

Since holiday is here, I invited Kyle's playmates from the time they were babies, Isabel and Alex and their siblings who are also Meryl's age and the Duo's good friend, Jeremy whom they meet everyday while waiting for the bus downstair for a playdate at home.

Siew was the first to arrive with her 3 kids, Isabel, Joel and Anette followed by the rest. Altogether there were 10 children including Jeremy's little sister, Carissa who came later. The kids played amongst themselves and were extremely happy to have company. The same goes for the mothers who munched away on home-made scones and biscuits and drinking tea.
The kids stopped by our table periodically for their snacks until it was time to pack away the toys and prepare for lunch. Lunch (watercress porridge) was uneventful and especially quick for some after I dangled Mamee noodles as a reward for those who could finish before 1pm, except for my son...sigh...
After lunch the kids were happy to just watch a Strawberry Shortcake disc whilst the mummies ate their lunch. The playing resumed after my son finished his lunch and the kids were happily jumping on my bed and playing army toys.
At about 2pm, they left and the kids quickly had their milk and settled down for their afternoon nap. Meryl slept all the way until close to 6.

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