Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Conversations with Meryl (Part 2)

As recounted to me :

1) After one of their swim at Granddad's house, Tagu showered the kids as we weren't around. As they had just shifted into the new place, the baby shower gel was missing and she used the shampoo to wash the kids hair as well as their body. Kyle did not notice anything different but when it came to Meryl's turn, she asked, " Tagu why are you using shampoo to bathe me?" Tagu was amused and her reply was, " Because you are so hairy!"

2) At the resort in Chiang Mai one afternoon

The kids woke up from their nap and Tagu attempted to tie meryl's hair. She tried looking for a comb but to no avail (as it was with me and I was out enjoying!). In the end, she tried sometihing innovative. She found a plastic fork which she used to divide Meryl's hair and then combed it. Meryl's question to her, "Tagu, why are you using a fork to comb my hair??!!"

3) Grocery shopping with Tagu alone

In the car, Meryl tried to strike up a conversation.

M: Tagu, I don't look like you.

J : Why you don't look like me?

M: I look like my daddy...

M: because I very hairy!!!!

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