Meryl is very well-liked by the grandparents of other kids in her school. They often praised her for being so brave despite being the youngest as she adjusted very well to her new environment within a short time. They also always comment on her cute-ness as she was also the shortest in class and the most talkative. What impressed them was that she can wear slippers (the clasp-on type), she is caring ( she will always 'sayang' those who are crying) and that she is not easily bullied.
See how small she is compared to her classmates?
A grandparent who was inside during one of the lessons recounted this to me : One of the students was snatching toys from another girl even though there was plenty around. She even pulled the girl's hair. She tried doing the same to Meryl only to be pushed back and Meryl repossessing the toy and saying 'It's mine!'.
Another incident that was told me was this: Meryl was playing with the rest when she saw that one of the kids was monopolising some toys. Apparently, she watched this with interest and when the kid was not looking, she quickly took away some of the toys and gave it to another girl. The grandparent who saw this was greatly amused.
Also to her credit, Meryl is always the 1st to be seated when its time for the singing and dancing and she never fails to put up her hands when the teacher asks for volunteers. I seriously hope that this enthusiasm for school will continue throughout her school days.
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