Spots was found on Kyle's body. Immediately suspected it being chicken pox as there was an outbreak in Kyle's school and on the school bus. What was disturbing was that he had no fever. Consulted with some friends and started to worry if it could be HFMD. No signs of rash or mouth ulcers. And super hyperactive for a 'sick' boy. His pox count on day 3 was only 15. Finally on Monday sent him to the Dr's. Confirmed chicken-pox. No school for one week and grounded from playground.
Meryl started sprouting some spots on her neck, not unlike her brother's. Again no onset of fever. Still active like her brother. No loss of appetite, no fatigue syndrome. Her number of pox was 13. Compared to her brother's, hers was smaller. No need for doctor this time round. Quarantined at home for a week. She was begging to go to school by Thursday but otherwise having a fruitful time doing her writing and painting at home.
Postmortem: Luckily they were both immunised or else it could have been worst!