Monday, April 14, 2008

Little Flower Girl 12/04

The Beautiful Bride, Vanessa and her flower girl cum guardian angel, Meryl.
The happy flower girl spinning round and round ....
She has been soooo excited about being a flower girl... and rehearsed countless times at home, at mrt and at the church..
Here she is praying for the marriage to be blessed...
The 2 flower girls, Chloe and Meryl who became good friends instantaneously...
And she refusing to sit with me in church but wanting to sit with Jie Jie Chloe.
Look at her lips....she has lip gloss on them...which I had to reapply countless times at her request...all for the sake of looking pretty!! She even applied eye-shadow before she left the house...sigh...

She was amazed by the HUGE Wedding cake at Four Season's Hotel during the dinner and she sat through the dinner from 8.00 -10.30 pm. She was still aawake at 11.10 when we reached home, unable to sleep after all the excitement. Finally at 12 am, she got a scolding from me, cried and fell asleep! I was totally exhausted!!!!

Rehearsel in Church Of Our Mary of Angels

Rehearsel at home

Skipping School 07/04

She was given a choice; to go back to school after a 1-week break or to go out gai gai with her doting uncle Ryan and Ah girl ah prize for guessing which one she chose..

She happily went to : Compasspoint, Quail Farm, Frog Farm and Coral Farm and slept in the car on the way back ...all the way till 5.30pm.

Yang's 7th Birthday celebration

New Classroom setting at home

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Poxy Boy and Poxy girl


Spots was found on Kyle's body. Immediately suspected it being chicken pox as there was an outbreak in Kyle's school and on the school bus. What was disturbing was that he had no fever. Consulted with some friends and started to worry if it could be HFMD. No signs of rash or mouth ulcers. And super hyperactive for a 'sick' boy. His pox count on day 3 was only 15. Finally on Monday sent him to the Dr's. Confirmed chicken-pox. No school for one week and grounded from playground.


Meryl started sprouting some spots on her neck, not unlike her brother's. Again no onset of fever. Still active like her brother. No loss of appetite, no fatigue syndrome. Her number of pox was 13. Compared to her brother's, hers was smaller. No need for doctor this time round. Quarantined at home for a week. She was begging to go to school by Thursday but otherwise having a fruitful time doing her writing and painting at home.

Postmortem: Luckily they were both immunised or else it could have been worst!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

4 friends @ Pierce

A hectic morning spent at AVCC with Raine and Meryl at their ballet class and moi at my fusionrobics. Immediately after, we took B's cars and went back to pick up the hubby and Kyle to Causuarina Rd for prata. This was where we went after lunch.
Pierce Reservoir. We wanted to take the boardwalk but could not find it. We ended up here instead. The kids loved it and ran freely.

They played at the waters, which was clear and was only a matter of time before....

my son decided to do something.......

which he usually does after he gets bored with the ordinary stuff...
like throwing stones into the reservoir.....
and ending up in the water..shuns his pants.... and getting his backside wet....and then his sister following in his footstep....and then Raine too ........

Unfortunately for them, the water fun did not last..... it started to pour without warning (sky was still bright AND blue!) So into the shelter we ran. There Kyle entertained us with his version of Meryl's graduation song 'Little Sunny Walker' (or something like that) half naked!! (see video below)
The big squeeze at the back of B's MPV on route to our next destination; Giant@Tampines.
We had altogether 4 trolleys; 2 for carting the children and 2 for the groceries. By the end of the shopping, it was down to 1 trolley for children and 3 for food!! (only 1 belongs to me)

It was a full load....but we still managed to squeeze about $350 worth of groceries into the car!
It was indeed a FRUITFUL day!

At the Wake 18-19/03

The hubby's 2nd uncle passed away and we were down for 2 nights together with Meryl. Her brother was quarantined at home due to his chicken pox but he was happy as he got to watch his Tom and Jerry.

The passing on of the uncle was a matter of time as he was already seriously ill for a long time. Nonetheless, the grief felt by the family was very real and from what I've heard, he was a good man who cares for his family, a lot.

At the wake, Meryl and her dad had fun with the peanuts hanging all over their faces. After that was fun with the dog. feeding it and bringing it for walks. In contrast to the sad demise of a man, she was the epitome of life.